tiistai 19. heinäkuuta 2016

First of all - äntligen: TAK for a very inspiring and interesting day in Flakkebjerg!

At least I´ve again learnt something about IT-- ALWAYS save your writings on many different places! I made already a story in English about my visit - perhaps some of you had read it ?- but then I`ve done something,( pulled or even slightly touched?) - a wrong button which translated all my text into BAD Finnish with no possibility to retranslate. GGRRRR
 so here we go again, beginning in the morning 5.7. at breakfast!

* nice place, very open atmosphere
* scheduled, well-planned day, without any hurry and possibilities to make changes in case of
"force majeure"
: I felt wellcome- thank you Lisbet !
* fantastic food - especially planned for these courses, normally in danish schools the pupils have their own lunch with them!
* Among 100 boys, everything seemed to work, no bulluying!
*The morningmeeting with the "slogan of the day" worked well, as the assambly at 19 o`clock.
*I got a lot of good ideas about teamwork, changing places and class even during lessons, teachers daily meetings about the pupils progress and problems etc
* "Freedom gives responsibility" wasn+t forgotten and there were strict rules to obey, but the main work was suited for everyones own needs!
* Uncredible and motivated guys - when the scheduled program was done at 19, I was pretty tired and on my way to the hotel, most of the boys were waiting what kind of action their groupleaders still were prepared to offer them! UH
*Daily rutins were strict and accepted that helped learning a lot
* a weekendcamp was hold in June were thes rules and workingscheme was introduced and accepted.
* 1-2 / 100 leaves the camp or is kicked out if not accepting the rules - for instance this year one guy had thought it could be nice to giggle all the night and keep his roommates awake - not accepted at all - out!
*results from earlier camps with the tutorsystem following during winter I will attach here also.
*Self-esteem is a very very important thing which is put a lot of work on- very postitively operating, a tap on the shoulder, a smile, some talk during brakes - everything is about care!
*I was a bit annoyed about that some guys had their caps on, and asked. Of course, in occasions tet-a-tet always without caps, and during two weeks lasting  camp most caps are thrown away - when they get selfesteem they wanna be polite!
*Next Winter, or perhaps already in Autumn, I`m sure that someone from our schools or the governement for education will contact Lisbet for asking a visit - there were so much we could adapt and learn!

The camp was located in Slagelse (Själland) in the localities of Flakkebjerg Efterskole

"Morgonsamling "every morning after the breakfast, duration 10-15 minutes about learning, teaching, living and growing - a theme for every day! Now it was for progress!

After the grand assembly in the gymnastichall, every team stayed together and talked about the program of the day before entering their classses. I followed Mettes team and the boys were quite curious about me and many of them could speak quite nice English so I had some intervjues. - Notice the carpet with numbers on - a good use in the mathlessons! a danish "invention, other version with alphabetics." www.samsoc.dk

An interesting detail was the postings in front of every classroom- four different areas 1-4 were marked on the whitescreen, and every pupil had to post a short note about their feelings in the beginning of the lesson and then afterwards- about tireness, eagerness, "no interested" or what ever feelings they had! The groupleaders looked them through and if things seemed go boring or something else very negative, they had a talk. The guys said the system was splendid!
Mette, the groupleader for a group called "Echos" has been as a  leader on these camps from the beginning and loves it!
"NEVER GIVE UP" What a lovely, familiar motto ( I like to use it!) - I love it! 

Mathematics was worked on in groups on different subjects.                                                                                                                                             -FIVE PRINCIPES AT THE CAMP:
:*We expect the best -every time  *Everyone has the right to proceed in own tempo and premises.*7 different personality traits are important and possible to learn! * You make your choises -and stay for the consequenses and results! * We behave well

Next personality traits are those, which the campleaders are focusing on:
selfcontrol *engagement * patience * social intelligens * thankfulness * optimism * curiosity *

Here are the teachers - matehemathics from left, language to the right. Unfortunately I did not remember to write down all your names! Every group consistents 15 or 16 guys, and every group had one groupleader, an assistant and a teacher.

 In the beginning of every lesson, the pupils had an "all-over- lesson" about the subject, perhaps some discussion and questions (about 10-15minutes), and then they were devided in smaller groups or, if they liked ,some worked on their own.

the furniture, desks, chairs sofas etc were absolutely not "brand new -design- (which we seem to spend our money on here in Finland!)  but practical and comfortable. I liked especially this madrasses you could use as a seat or something to rest on! (i once had something like that in one of mine classes)

When studying - do it individually - music from your application, sitting as you wish - alone or with friends. And when your task for the lesson is ready, you mark it on those posters on the wall so everyone can see your progres! The teachers also have their own files where everyday progres is marked.

--will be continued ----

Sacks, filled with air. A nice, cheap and comfortable solution - and easy to remove!

Soon lunchtime...Boys are boys- the waterbottles were so nice to throw and catch.                                                           ... All kind of sweeties or candies are forbidden, the food is healthy and nutritial and GOOD, sports is done 2-3 times a day, mobile phones are allowed only after lunchbreak or one hour only.! No television, no computergames and silence at 22.00!  I think it could be even a good preparation for the army....

after lunch, during their freetime, pupils have the possibility to talk with Lisbet , here with help from Henrik Soeberg, about their courses and wishes. Meanwhile, all the others were on their phones or just resting...

Sports indoors or out - a little raining doesn´t matter - in the afternoon, and also in the evening and some days also in the morning... Weightloss happen to most of those guys who had been sitting by their computers all the winter!

the accomodation was ok, said the boys, chambers for 2-4 persons, a small "get-together-room" in every department, some duties för the groupmembers to clean the bathroom etc - all about responsiblitiy and wellfare!

*the staff is alwys right
*the studies are not to forget
*Silence at 22.00
*Violent behavior is not accepted
*Smoking and all kind of alcohol etc strictly forbidden
*Teasing and bullying absolutely not accepted

Visible learning by John Halle is introduced in different ways - here the beginning of a math lesson...
continueing on the floor in groups- potentnumbers shall be put in order!

Especially in math, when the first testresults from sunday were  clear, the pupils were divided in groups for more intensive learning on those subject they had had problems with from last week.

"VI GÖR DET SAMMAN" -Let´s do it together!

after dinner and some freetime, the final joint meeting at the gymnastic hall was 18.40-19 and there were some debriefing done and even some results spoken. I had huge problems with understandind danish, but the atmosphere I understood, and what I was talkinh with the boys they were very content . The program continues during one year by tutors who are helping their pupil once or twice, if necessary more often, in month .It is not only thereults on your report what matters it is YOU and your way of living to feel better and do better! 
I was completely exhausted at 19.40 when I went to my hotel, but when I remebered that the boys still had some sports, I pressed me for a swim in the pool and afterwards - felt good!

THANKYOU Lisbet, Mette & all the staff & the boys it has been an interesting and teaching day!
Rose for yoy - thes are from Gvanö castle, which I visited the following day!!

lauantai 16. heinäkuuta 2016

Ikävinäkin aikoina - taidetta ja kulttuuria leivän lisäksi kaikille!

Ihanaa- Pojalta lahjaksi saatu museokortti tulee hyötyyn ja  käyttöön - sadekelillä vanhin pojistani lupautui kaveriksi ja eikun junalla Helsinkiin ja Ateneumiin. HUOM! Pitimän poiketa myös Kiasmassa- sielläkin mielenkiintoinen näyttely - mutta aikaa kului niin suomalaisten klassikoiden kuin Alice Neelin tauluja tutkien kokopäivän edestä - syömässä käytiin välillä ja taas jatkettiin!

Nämä vanhat suomalaiset klassikot soisi jokaiselle nuorellekin katsottavaksi - siis ihan "livenä" ja tämä on nyt opastettunakin mahdollista 2020 joulukuun loppuun saakka- kolmannessa kerroksessa lie sitten ne vaihtuvat näyttelyt jossa USAlainen Alice Neel jatkaa nyt lokakuun alkuun.Innoituksena minlle lie ollut myös facebookista kopsaamani Savon Sanomien Kati Outisen haastattelu missä hän kannustaa myös kansalle niitä sirkuhuveja" - taide, oli se sitten musiikki, teatteri, kuvataide, performanssi - se ruokkii sielua!Vaikka ammattikoulun pulella "taide&kulttuuri"-kurssi laitettiin vapaaehtoisvalinnaisten joukkoon uudessa OPS:issa, toivon todella että opettajat ujuttaisivat sitä sitten vaikka taitavasti integroituna aina johonkin väliin! Tästä pelottavasta kaksijakoisuudesta duunarit-valkokaulusporvarit olen tainnut aiemminkin jo mainita...


kannattaa lukea!
Oma tekeminenkin on tärkeätä- kun osaa laittaa tavoitteet oikein niin tulokset voivat positiivisesti yllättää! Ja vaikka taidetta vain katselisi, niin siinä voi antaa mielikuvituksen lentää - sitä tässä maailmassa tarvitaan! Ja jotkut teokset vaan ovat niin kauniita että silmä ja mieli lepää! Oma suosikkini on Edelfeltin "kuningatar Blanka" mutta makuasioista ei sovi kiistellä!
Ennen siirtymistä Alice Neelin tunnepitoisiin teoksiin, oheistan muutaman kuvan - katsojalle jää sitten mietintään mitkä tutut tekeleet ovatkaan kyseessä! (taas tuli tältäkin pojalta palautetta mun jatkuvasta valokuvaamisesta... tällä hetkellä minun tapani vangita kuvamuistoja ja omalla tavallani tedä taidettakin?)

1800-luku, romantiikan aikaa, Suomen taiteen nk kulta-aika.
Gallen_kallelaa, Holmbergia, Edelfeltiä, Simbergiä... ja löytyy ihan kiva linkki missä taiteilijakohtaisesti Ateneumin ja muiden museoiden töitä  esillä- kannattaa katsoa!


"Auta Aino pois vedestä tai vedä Väinämöinen veneineen nurin" - näin yritimme! :)

(kuvanäytteissä : Kyröskoski, haavoittunut enkeli, taistelevat metsot,hautajaissaatto veneellä,haavoittunut enkeli jälleen, Kullervon kirous ja saaristossa)

Muutama ajatus kesästä siihen kuuluvine lomineen - ei tahdo minulta onnistua tuo letkottelu ja laiskottelu ja pelkkä "oleminen" vaikka se niin terveellistä olisikin! Jossain uudessa tutkimuksessa taas mainittiin että kun aivoille antaa lomaa, ne todellisuudessa latautuvat ja tulee tilaa UUSILLE ajatuksille ja ideoille! Jotain kun pitäisi kokoajan tehrä!
No, tekniikkaan ja digitalisaatioon liittyvistä jutuista minulla on vielä paljon opittavaa ennen uuden lukukauden alkamista, mieluummin kuitenkin valitsee näitä iloa tuottavia tapahtumia ! Mäntsän taidenäyttely vielä kokematta, ja Kiasma toki.
-Alice Neelin teokset puhuttavia, eivät niinkään tarkkaan "tuherrettuja" mutta mikä tunnelman ja ilmeiden vangitsija hän onkaan ollut! Ja naisiasianainen - hyvä hyvä!
-Drengeakademien leiristä kertomus meni uusiksi omien söhläysten takia. Aina oppii! Tarkempana pitää olla kun näitä sormiaan tässä nappulastossa levittelee, uudesta puhelimesta puhumattakaan!
Mutta hei, kun aurino paistaa on liian kirkasta olla koneella joten ulos ylös ja lenkille! Pääomaa sekin!

sunnuntai 10. heinäkuuta 2016

Finally Falsterbo - Kyra and Morris- still my favourites!

This man is one of the best showjumpers in the world- as his father was- but did not succeed completely in this show in Falsterbo. News was that, Mr Morris will lead the brasilian team to the olympics- with those guys and Morris´brains whatever can happen! A good start was the 3. prize for the team in Nations Cup, and 2. in the GP was Eduardo Menez on Quitol, who didn´t ride in  the team - I think that is just the beginning....
I must tell you - I happen to had the new bibliography of Mr Morris in my suitcase - reading it during the flight - and when I saw him I of course asked for an autograph... So, there it stands, the text in my book which declares   "Good memories" as I think he had from Finland after all these years- I`ve been listening&watching him for more than twenty years and also rode for him - he has ridden my horse too- and now, when I`m thinking about all this teaching and learning and while reading his book, I`ve finally understood how much he has had inluence on my teaching! It would have been polite to tell him that while we were talking, but I only told how nice all the old photos were and how handsome he had been as youngster ! You see, all the stupid frogs are just slipping out from the mouth when you should act and behave nice and clever! So don´t blame the pupils if they sometimes talk stupidities!

My first time to Falsterbo - but hopefully not the least- and I was most wondering about how old this competition/show is- already started year 1920! the facilities seem to be quite nice for the horses and their riders and staff, but that part of the audience- as we were- who stayed at the camping overnights, had to pay incredible sums for nearly nothing. Greed is a human factor.

Just put in here some photos, don´t even try to find out who they are, but I`ve been taking pictures of the whole brasilian team and a lot swedes and some other interesting horses or riders.
You had to pay 200SKr for enering the show, and then pay extra for sitting places, and tose tickets were sold out for saturday. we were told that a lot of people order the tickets by internet even the same week, then you don´t have to queue in two places.

Georg Morris looking at his students - 78 years young and still so sharp and fit! Coca Cola does it ?

Roffe Bengtsson did it - won the main class on Sunaday, but not on this horse. But I liked this special colour - thats a good reason to take a pic!

Fashion - today it seems to be this kind of rolling spurs - "trissor" . I don´t like on showjumpers- dressage is different!

Then, on saturday afternoon I tried to find my friend Titti and went to the dressage "backstage" , meeting our Kyra Kyrklund who seemed to be in a hurry - then I realised it was for the training session!
Patrik Kittel pensionerade sin vad-den-nu-heter- heller - gamla (hmm bara 17år..) dressyrhäst och startade i Falsterbo med en yngre valack 12-årige Delaunau e Dr Doolittle. -Pappan minns jag bra, han stod hos Klattes i Bremen Tyskland och visdes upp på hingstdagarna då jag besökte stället för något år sedan (tio? hoppsan, tiden går...) och han verkade väldigt trevlig ärlig och jämn- visserligen ingen "vau"-effekt, men har -vad jag förstått- nedärvt sina goda egenskaper såsom tre jämna gångarter.
Patrik lär ha tidigare mycet jbbat med det hollaänska systemet - därav den låga "rollkur"-formen i uppvärmningen i mycket lågt tempo- ca 15minuter, men vad som fortsatte var intressant .
Vi hade med Titti dagen innan konstaterat att hästen var fin och taktmässig men hade haft litet svårt att verkligen samla sig och "sitta ner" på hasorna. Då vann han  visserligen också, poängen 73,300 med ett helt program - fast han missade seriebytena (jag hann inte se allt fast jag sprang och letade plats...)blev slutresultatet i Kuren ändå 74,45 och han var mycket bättre samlad än på fredagen!

Now he is engaged - but does the movie work? I had problems to open it?

Sedan några "marks" på rollkur- på Facebook hade Josefin Åkerberg delat med sig "välvalda" bilder från uppvärmningen med grym kritik på rollkur och grymma hästovänliga hjälper. Saken är ju den, att det finns olika och olika ryttare. Och olika fotografer. Man kan även med vilja välja sådana ögonblick då kameran fångar enbaart fulheter - ska bifoga några sådana bilder här också- men det är ju heleheten som ska bedömas!  Kittels framridning  var spetsad på samlingsgraden och egentligen det enda jag opponerade mig emot var bristen på fri tygel i de kort-korta skrittpass han tog emellanåt. När hästen ville strecka på halsen knyckte han till - inte så vackert, Men för helhetens skull borde man ju också ha sett "nervärmningen" efteråt men det gav min tidtabell inte tid med. Men resultatet var ju bra - inte klarar hsten av sådan ridning i längden om den går under tvång och skräck! Visst fanns det också ekipage som gick och grinade med öppen mun eller var spända, även med piskande svans, och där borde domarna i mitt tycke (själv domare till msv ) vara strängare!

Litet framtung ??? :)

Här börjar jobbet - efter ca 10-15min uppvärmning

alla tygeltag inte sååå snälla...

Kyra på skarpen med sina speakers

Halter såg jag kanske en. inte heller ryggning.

Slutor i trav och galopp, sedan samlande arbete- piaff-passage-övergångar, någon enstaka piruett , något seriebyte (-där missade han p banan!) och sedan åter passage-piaff-passage-

Här trampas det!

fortfarande kitisk min...

inte en förlängning-mer än detta- såg jag

s-ista putsen innan start...

Lycka till!
Resultatet blev alltså 74,455 och Sverige vann lagtävlingen. Jag hann se batra delar av programmet, men att kolla uppvärmningen med kameran var jätteintressant! 
Fick äntligen en karta över hela Falsterbo: - Wellinge- Malmö -nejden och kände mig mycket lugnare då jag väntade på bussen som skulle ta mig till Malmö/ Hyllie. Det var såå skönt att hela tiden på kartan följa med var jag fanns! 
Det har varit en fin resa som avslutades med fina tävlingar och nu är jag redo för vardag igen! Och lever i drömmen om en egen uppfödning som startar på internationell nivå - man ska leva på sina drömmar - någon dag bli dom kanske sanna!

Öresundsbron. band mellan Danmark och Sverige.

...och vattnet där är salt!